

It is a subjective feeling, whereby patients claim that objects spin around them, or that their own bodies spin. Since this symptom can be very distressful, patients pay special attention to its manifestation, even though it does not always originate in causes involving their quality of life, or their lives in themselves. It is frequently suffered by the elderly. Dizziness has been classified as peripheral and central. The former is caused by an injury localized in the vestibular receptors, viz utricle, saccule and semicircular canals, or in the vestibular component of the vestibulocochlear nerve; the latter, by an injury localized in the pathways and the nerve centers of the cerebral cortex or trunk.

Sensación subjetiva donde el enfermo relata que gira su cuerpo o las cosas que lo rodean. Es un síntoma desagradable, muy valorizado por el paciente, aunque no siempre responde a causas que comprometan la calidad de vida o su vida misma. Los ancianos lo padecen con frecuencia. Los vértigos se han clasificado en periféricos o centrales. Los primeros responden a una lesión localizada en los receptores vestibulares utrículo, sáculo y conductos semicirculares o en el componente vestibular del nervio vestibulococlear. Los segundos, en las vías y los centros nerviosos del tronco o de la corteza cerebral.